Like drinking herbal tea in a yellow kitchen surrounded by friends, that is what I want this blog to be.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


A while ago, I saw that my friend's son was playing for a team called the Thunder Ducks. What a marvelously incongruous mascot. That took some serious creativity. But what are you to do when the Fighting Tigers and the Rampaging Rhinos are taken? Get creative and hope you have one heck of a sales pitch. "Okay guys, all the animals at the top of the food chain are taken, but I think we could really do something with ducks. How about the saber toothed ducks, or the power ducks ... no wait I have it..."

After seeing that, I began to wonder what my personal mascot would be. I was thinking of something to do with owls or tigers, but what flashed into my mind was an image I will not soon forget. It had a geeky gloriousness that was too perfect to ignore. From the depths of my heart I wish my perfect mascot was a sleek panther or a noble eagle, but no, apparently my mascot is (.....drumroll.....) the Lightning Llama.

The Lighting Llama wears a track suit, holds a lightning bolt Zeus style, and has fierce look in his eyes that draws a stark contrast to his knocked knees and pigeon-toed hoofs. This Llama is all business - and that is what makes him so hilarious.

Someday I may be a brazen bobcat, or a svelte sphinx. Till then, I will Llama on (as elegantly as is humanly possible.)

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