Like drinking herbal tea in a yellow kitchen surrounded by friends, that is what I want this blog to be.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Best, Bester, Bestest

As we know, so much of life is not choosing good over bad, but choosing the better over the good and the best over the better. This is tough. What makes it even tougher is when the "best" list explodes. Here is a sample list of "bests", taken exclusively from the scriptures and things mentioned in general conferences.

Personal prayer, meditation, pondering, scripture study, family prayer, family scripture study, keeping a clean home, cooking healthy meals, growing a garden, reading the Sunday school lesson and Relief Society or Priesthood lesson in advance, family history, keeping clothes and children clean and presentable, continuing your education, helping children with their education, dating your spouse, creating opportunities for family work and wholesome recreation, visiting teaching/home teaching, doing more for your VTees than a monthly visit, serving someone, having a missionary experience, attending all church meetings and activities, reading educational books, fulfill and magnify callings, support other in their callings, exercise, turn everyday experiences into gospel learning moments, getting adequate sleep, bear testimony to family, ...

This list belongs on a blog called Complicated Hourly Chaos not Simple Daily Elegance. In contrast, I am struck by the Lord's invitation in Moses 6:34:

"Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me."

Not "sprint with me" or "marathon with me", the invitation is to "walk with me." Not even half of the "best" things will fit into a simple, daily walk with Christ.

For me, my daily walk needs to include prayer (personal and family), scriptures (personal and family) and making sure my calling and visiting teaching are done for the month. Everything else comes on a day by day, prayer by prayer basis. If my essential things happen and my children are fed, then I think the day should count as a raging success. I loved the Ensign article from a few months back that encourages us not to look at our neighbors when assessing ourselves, but to only look up, to the Master. Life looks a lot more doable when I stop looking from friend to friend to determine what "best" things to include in my daily walk.

Here's to a simple, elegant walk today, full of personal "bests".

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