Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Strauss and Sword Fights
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Best quote of the week
V Power
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Elegant (Take Two)
Ah, elegance. I want to "look elegant in black" and live in "an elegant, comfortable house." In my perfect, elegant world I wear pearls twice a week and clothes with "dry clean only" on the lable. I bake fresh scones every Tuesday. I have a personal masseuse named Helga and my hair is voluminous. (Brace for the jarring jerk back into reality.) My everyday elegant world involves a lot more Fisher Price and finger paints. I do make a great blueberry scone every year or so and I occasionally get to blow dry volume into my hair.
So where is my expertise? Am I audaciously writing about something I know nothing about? Well, maybe. I find Elegance in startling bursts of insight, in stolen, quiet moments to myself, in my children's laughter and in that one especially gorgeous burst of fall color on my carpool route. These things are my crystal chandeliers and champagne flutes. I have simple, pleasing moments.
This morning I had a taste of my kind of elegance. It began when I entered a -gasp- sparkling kitchen. (We had company over last night and one does like to keep up appearances.) I made whole wheat pancakes in a cast iron skillet and made an applesauce/apricot preserve sauce to go on top. My children sat happily at the table and loved the food. (ahhhhhh) Then child #3 went poop in her little potty. My life revolves around poop. Even the elegant moments get sucked into into the omnipotent orbit. This is a huge success because: child #3 is only 21 months old child #2 helped her do it and child #2 is still pulling out of a year long potty training regression and this moment indicates light at the end of the tunnel.
I am reveling in this. That is why I am blogging instead of scrubbing my bathtub. Here are my recipes, just in case you are interested.
Sauce Recipe: 1 1/2 quarts homemade applesauce + a generous scoop of organic apricot preserves. Preserves are clumpy, so I mixed mine with a potato masher. Elegant, no?
Pancakes: This must be made in a Vita Mix or similarly powerful blender.This is not for lesser machines. 1 c red wheat (whole and uncooked) 1 c milk (or 1/3 c dry milk + 1 c water) 2 eggs 2 T oil 2 t baking powder 2 T sugar or honey (I use sugar) 1/2 t salt
Blend. It is recommended to blend the milk and wheat first. I'm lazy and do it all at once. Heat your skillet. I rub the end of a frozen stick of butter on it before I put the first batch in and again between each successive batch. Frozen butter won't melt too fast or go gooshy on you.
Wishing you an Elegant day,Bethany
The secret of life
Monday, October 31, 2011
Life's Keyboard
Thursday, October 27, 2011
More Autumn
I found a few marvelous quotes about my favorite season on my friend Jen's blog. I am stealing them. I hope that is okay.
"Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~George Elliot
"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air." ~Nathanial Hawthorne.
Today I took child #2 to his last follow up appointment from his surgery at Primary Children's. Just before the entrance there, they have a pooling sort of fountain on each side of the path. I glanced in and saw the usual smattering of dull pennies and winking dimes, but on each side, caught in the eddy above the filter, a cluster of bright yellow aspen leaves danced and spun. I think the leaves were by far the best offering.
One more fall morsel:
"There is a harmony in autumn and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been." ~Percy Bysshe Shelly