Like drinking herbal tea in a yellow kitchen surrounded by friends, that is what I want this blog to be.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Do you remember all those pithy bits of homespun wisdom you got at your bridal showers? Yeah, me neither. But there have been a few that have stuck with me from other people's bridal showers.

I love the thoughts: "Be publicly loyal and privately and honest." and "Never have unexplained expectations." My favorite, however, comes from my Grandma Bailey. She passed away over 15 years ago, but her daughters still share the words she gave to each new bride.

She would tell them that my Grandpa was the very kindest to her when she deserved it the least. Now, my grandmother was a saint and she and my grandpa had the kind of love affair most people dream about. It's hard to imagine them in a situation that would require this kind of advice - or maybe their marriage is proof that the formula works. Either way, her words come to me often. Sometimes the come to me just before my family gets _______ (insert adjective; ornrey, disobedient, difficult, whiny etc.) Sometimes they whisper in my mind after I have been less than kind.

Right now, my son - who is going through some kind of four year old phase - is stomping sulkily around the house. Nothing is going right in his universe. He didn't get enough sugar on his cereal. He only wants the books his sister is looking at. He couldn't reach his underoos. I am not going to the store right this minute to let him spend his money. And he got put in time-out for hitting. Life is grim. Okay Grandma, here I go . . . .

Proof positive. It works! I felt like I was trying to hug a porcupine, but after a few stories, hugs and tickles I saw sunshine breaking through. It is good to remember that, in my own way, I sometimes go stomping about on this planet with my own list of woes. God is so very kind to me, despite my thunderstorms. Thank you Father in Heaven. Thank you Grandma. Oh dear, my son is pounding on the piano and yelling at his sister. I need to start ordering kindness in bulk. Wish me luck.


  1. Just what I needed to hear :) We are going through a 3-year-old whiny phase, as a matter of fact! Good things to remember.

  2. I'm glad you blog. And hug Daniel. I don't want him throwing a tantrum.
