English follows other languages down dark alleys,
knocks them over and goes
through their pockets for loose grammar."
No wonder I have problems!
That makes me want to read "Anguished English" again - that, or "The Mother Tongue."
David Case reads "The Mother Tongue" in the book on tape version. He has a magical voice. I once did Swedish weaving across an entire square of monk's cloth listening to his voice (that is an elegant way of saying I made a TV blanket.)
This is the part where I should warn you that I have "unique" tastes in books and media. I love black and white, gentle plots, obscure topics, gorgeous word-smithing, red-neck humor (Go Red Green) and sports movies. I hate watching sports, but I can't get enough of the movies made about them. Go figure. Basically, if you have never heard of it or fell asleep during it - I probably love it, can quote it and have purchased it at a yard sale.
Okay, I am going to push that little orange "publish post" button. My logical voice says to push the blue "save now" button so that I can edit this rambling jungle of thoughts, but I am rather addicted to the orange one. I must like editing after everyone has read the rambly version. That's a bit like patching the hole in your air mattress after your company leaves, but nevertheless, it is late and I crave the feeling of accomplishment only the orange button can give.
Oh Bethany I laughed out loud when I read this post! I know exactly what you mean by, if you fell asleep during it, I probably loved it and have purchased it at a yard sale! I hear you sister!