Well, I was absolutely certain I was doing stuff all day long. At the end of the day I was just not sure what I had been doing all day long.
So, I made a list. Not a to-do list. A DONE list. A list of everything (well, almost everything) I did during the day.
Here it is:
Diaper changed
3 of 4 children dressed
Garbages emptied and can out to curb
Made green apple-craisin oatmeal
sweetened with organic maple syrup and a dash of cinnamon (my favorite.)
One natural earache remedy made and
applied to oldest son
Accepted a service opportunity
Fed and watered chickens
Fed the masses (except oldest son, who
has crawled in my bed, fallen asleep, tossed and turned, lost his
earache remedy which has soaked through the elbow of his shirt and
my sheets. Will scrub later.)
Morning devotional (scriptures/friend stories/article of faith).
Worked on my writing
Updated budget
Nurse baby
Sign up for a coupon card I will
probably regret, and will certainly cancel, but I do it for the awesome gift cards that comes with it.
Change diaper
Help child #3 poop on the toilet
Start Homeschool
Put new wart removal pad on child #1's
Change 3 lightbulbs.
Make baby food
Make 2nd earache remedy
Listen to child #1 read
Eek, it's Noon. I am still in my
Start peeling hard-boiled easter eggs
for egg-salad for lunch. Wash a few cuties hoping to assuage the
hunger pangs of the natives.
Start setting up babysitting for a
(gasp) actual date with Daniel next month.
Wipe child #3 on the toilet again.
Enlist eldest daughter to feed the
baby. She does so willingly, but with a look popular among martyred
Child #3 looks at her plate and informs
me that she, “doesn't like to eat lunch.” This from a girl who
licks the driveway.
I relieve child #1 from baby feeding
duty. I munch my blue speckled (apparently only the blue dye
penetrates the shell) egg-salad sandwich with my left hand and feed
child #4 with my right.
I check on child #2. He is sleeping.
Poor little tyke.
Correct math and writing.
Child #3 is going commando for the 5th
time today. Explain importance of undergarments.
#3 half naked again. Tell her she must
wear pants AND shoes to play outside. I am so unreasonable.
Check for eggs.
Clean urp-up off of the couch.
Child #3 is singing Yankee Doodle. At
the end she says “Stuck a feather in his cap and calls it Mickey
Rooney.” I love it. (For those of you without broad knowledge of
old movie actors, Mickey Rooney did a lot of shows with Judy
Strap child #4 to my back and start the
dishes. Get two dishes done.
Correct more math
Diffuse therapeutic oils
Find shoes
Do girls' hair.
Talk to my honey on his lunch break.
Video tape the girls being adorable
E-mail my dad.
Put Child #4 down for a nap.
Tried to pick green silly putty out of
a tan microfiber blanket. No good. Tried coconut oil, dish soap and
a paring knife. That worked a little better.
Shower, glorious shower!
Moisturize, dress – no time for hair,
kiddo #2 is awake and hungry.
Start chicken soup for dinner. Got as
far as water and frozen chicken. Child #4 is awake and hungry.
Nurse child #4
Step on heart-shaped fondant cutter.
Child #3 has been in my kitchen drawers again.
A blur of making snacks and
finishing the soup
Read stories to my sick boy.
Phone call with my sister.
Send out a few e-mails.
Video tape my boys being so cute.
Call kids in from playing. Water and
vitamin C drinks all round.
Bandage some owies.
5:00 pm Hair still not done. Time to
start my morning jobs. Turn on some motivational music and get to
work on the living room.
Okay, living room and dining room swept
and picked up.
My Honey is home.
Plan the garden with my husband. He
starts planting while I take care of the baby.
Set table
Feed baby
Go to my room to read an Ensign
article. Okay, I can read with two kids in my lap and one dancing in
front of my full length mirror.
Bedtime routine etc.
Ahhhh. As I look over this list I can
see why, with the exception of the living room and dining room, the
mess has gotten deeper, the dishes higher and the laundry remains untouched. I
also see that I AM actually doing something. That is a relief.
Now if I could just look like Gwyeneth
Paltrow while I do it ….
Phew, makes me exhausted just reading it - you are amazing!! Can't imagine 4 kiddos....we'll see how I do with 3 soon. You're an inspiration :)