Like drinking herbal tea in a yellow kitchen surrounded by friends, that is what I want this blog to be.

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Voice

It was one of those days. The kind that left me wondering what I had to offer to the world. All day I was given examples of powerful women: the New York Times bestselling author, the blogger who is changing the world, the woman who has conquered two chemical addictions and an eating disorder and who found God along the way, the olympian and a half dozen examples of the slim, the sassy and the professional.

This aught to have been motivating. But, for the moment, all I could see was feeding, clothing and cleaning up after my own little mass of humanity ... forever. (Sandlot pronunciation please For-Ev-Er!) I felt utterly lost.

And then I was blessed with a flashback. Several months ago, as I was polishing my stories and looking for feedback, I was speaking with a friend who has quite a bit of experience with literary organizations, editors, etc. She walked me through some fabulous information and then leaned in and said "You have a voice. Most writers feel they are trespassing in the world of literature. They feel they aren't 'real' writers. But they are wrong. Bethany, I have heard you speak, I have read your writing. I have heard your church program narrations and You Have A Voice."

I left her home with those words ringing in my brain. Once home, I flipped to an empty page in a journal and filled it with the words "I HAVE A VOICE." No one had ever said that to me before.

Flash forward to my deep, gray slump of a day. I had not shaken the world - that I know of - but I had called an old friend who had been on my mind. I had born testimony to my children of something I knew to be true. So, the day was not a complete waste. And then came the epiphany. (I hope when I see the movie of my life they will add a soundtrack of harps and heavenly choirs to those moments.)

I realized that I do have a voice, and that voice is backed up by the experiences God has hand-picked for me and for the person He needs me to be. Apparently God didn't need another Olympian when He created me. He needed a quirky idealist with a passion for words, dancing and red shoes. He needed a yard-saling, white socks with black pants wearing, health nut. He needed Me. He needs me just how I am and just where I am. And however He needs me to build His Kingdom I have the perfect set of talents and abilities for the job. I do have a voice. And it is one that will shake the eternities. It may never be heard on the Today Show, but I am realizing that the true measure of a voice looks very different than billboard charts and best-seller lists.

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