Like drinking herbal tea in a yellow kitchen surrounded by friends, that is what I want this blog to be.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Third Woodcutter

There is a famous old story about two woodcutters. The first one chops away at his trees incessantly, never stopping to sharpen his ax. He feels that such a break would simply waste valuable tree cutting time. The second, takes the time to sharpen his ax, and despite the "lost" time, is able to chop more effectively than the first woodcutter.

Is it just me, or is this story incomplete?

In my world there is a third woodcutter. Like the second, he takes time to sharpen his ax. But every once in a while, he also takes time to sharpen the woodcutter. I mean how long can a person do nothing but bang their ax against a tree? No matter how sharp that ax is, eventually, you are going to have one bored/burned-out woodcutter. So woodcutter #3 takes time to read a book, write a blog, walk into the city just to feel the concrete under his boots. He knows the worth of a Wendy's value meal and a steamer from Starbucks.

The other woodcutters shake their heads at their friend's foolishness as they fell trees right and left. Now, truth be told, woodcutter #3 probably fells fewer trees than his friends, but he is the only one who is smiling.

Somehow, this seems easier for a woodcutter than it does for me. After all, the woodcutter can write a blog without the trees whining and yelling about their un-met, needs. While he is at Wendy's, his trees don't un-chop themselves. Mine do. It is a hard thing to take time for a re-charge when your sink is overflowing with dishes and emitting an aroma that reminds you vaguely of Tuesday night's tacos.

Okay, this is my challenge to myself. I need to get out. I mean really out. And no, just now, going grocery shopping alone is not going to cut it. I anticipate an adventure. I'll be sure to tell you all about it.


  1. Loved this! We should get out together sometime or even meet up where the kids can play and we can catch up. Hope you are enjoying National Popcorn Day! Love you!

  2. Your blog is the soundtrack to my life. I can't tell you how many times I read this and think, "oh man, that is exactly what I needed to hear." Thank you.
