So, today I watched some bits of a show about body image that has an ... ahem ... questionable title. It was called "How to Look Good Naked." (note: this is not a recommendation. If you just need to chill, I'd say White Collar is a better bet.) I watched pieces from the original British series and a few bits from the American knock-off. The show features a style guru who helps plus-size women with body issues to love the skin they're in. He teaches these ladies how do dress for their body type, how to wear their hair etc. As I saw women who were roughly the same size as me, look into a mirror and feel beautiful for the first time in years, something clicked. I can be beautiful now. And because I am beautiful and strong I am capable of even more greatness in my life. I am striving for slimmer and healthier NOT because I am lacking, but because I am capable of more. I can eat healthy because I am fabulous and I deserve to treat myself well. I can exercise because I love to move. These changes do not add to my worth. I am doing it because I am worth it.
This is a big step for someone who hasn't taken a good look in a full-length mirror for the last six months. So, can I maintain the fire to be better and look better and accept who I am at the same time? Can I stop making excuses for my bad habits and make time for better ones? Can I stop calling myself "chipmunk cheeks" every time I look in the mirror? I don't know, but I sure want to try.
Once again, you tell me just what I need to hear... I've done so well lately with diet/exercise, and in the last week I've totally stopped. I was reading your blog drinking egg nog and eating chocolate chips. Hahaha! Okay, I remember that my headache will better be served with exercise than sugar! Thanks again for being great!! :)