Like drinking herbal tea in a yellow kitchen surrounded by friends, that is what I want this blog to be.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be still my soul

Sometimes a little "be still my house" is a necessary prerequisite to stilling my soul.

This morning I exploded. My internal cocktail included an 18 hour headache, a dozen or more interruptions to sleep (thank you child #2 and #3), crazy pregnancy hormones, wild dreams in which all of my child's hair fell out and there were no clothes in the world that fit me, and 35 minutes of uninterrupted screaming compliments of child#3 who has lungs Christina Aguilera would kill for and a determination that would have driven Christopher Columbus to discover Hawaii, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand while he was at it.

I flung back the covers, stormed into the kitchen, kicked all the cupboards and the refrigerator while yelling "Auuuurrrggghhh." I then called my faithful honey who was shoveling snow off the walks at the church, turned on Blues Clues for my kids and buried my head under the covers.

My husband came home, dressed all the kids and hauled them to church, which left me in a blissfully quiet house. I read two beautiful chapters in the scriptures - without interruption. I read a chapter in the Sunday School manual. I am writing and preparing a nice after-church snack for my kiddos (who are seeming cuter by the minute) and finally, finally, I am experiencing stillness in my soul.

There is great power in muscling through, and enduring all things and exercising patience. There is also great power in not being touched, pulled on, whined at for a few hours. It has been said that sometimes the Savior calms the storm and sometimes he calms the sailor. But sometimes, he looks down in love on one of His exploding, irrational daughters and he does both.

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